世外桃源啊!Paradise. |
I'm pretty sure families who prefer leisure and greens destination in Malaysia would definitely know this place!
Qing Xin Ling Leisure & Cultural Village, Ipoh.
A place where close to greens and surrounded by mother nature peace.
I love how the person who found this place and remain existing goods with just little creativity.
You'll see later how creative or special of their view towards creation of mother earth.
清心嶺休闲文化村 -- 可说是需二奶巷后,人们到怡保的必去地点之一。
Look at the greens! Feel like biting it like how I used to eat my broccoli. LOL. 那绿是不是绿得让人很想咬一口!哈哈哈哈 都怪我平时太爱吃Broccoli了 |
Marvellous! 大自然的美啊! |
Paradise found? 仙境? |
What are we, when we're in front of creation of mother earth. 在大自然的怀抱里,我们算什么。 |
Creative family posing be like. 爱演家族的习惯。 |
很明显看得出是什么吧~ It's pretty obvious to show what is it? |
My favourite! Woofff wofff 我的生肖哟!很喜欢 |
Random. 来张做作照,嘻嘻! |
Old style wooden building. 我爸爸时代的建筑物,木质的。 |
Try to guess what is that white fluffy butt. LOL. 白白毛毛的屁屁! |
You can easily or randomly found animals walking around. 在清心嶺你总会是不是不经意看见温驯动物的出没。 |
Okay I just quickly took photo from some distance and go, make sure the animal are in comfortable mood :) 好吧,我只是快速的在一定的距离拍照便离开, 当然也确保小动物在舒适的环境和心境下拍的 :) |
#DogLikeABoss Under the notice signboard. LOL #狗狗老板般的悠闲 重点还是坐在那板下,画面搞笑。 |
Wanted food from the passenger, smart huh! Cause human food are heavenly good. 这羊羊在我面前跟其他人要食物,聪明啊~ |
Another little disappointing point is where the crowd of peoples visiting. 还有太多的人潮对周围及其他观光者的影响,或许可以尝试方法来改善吧.. |
Let's move to one of the elements where another hot spot for people to visit here,
it's all about heritage, history and cultural lifestyle display in details products where my parents time use to be.
I love this idea where this is where you should bring your kids here,
to experience their parents past time old products and the lifestyle quality of their parent being raise up,
another way to educate their children in appreciating what they have,
and spread move love and care towards their
他们有着的都是无数的爸爸妈妈时代的古老物品 ,
Cute dad said he wanna become personal barber for my little brother, and they start acting. How lovely! 可爱的爸爸说他要模仿印度店老街地帮我弟弟修发, 说着说着便演起来了!哈哈哈 好可爱 |
I just love every single pieces of history and
details where they try to present and allow the young generation to experience.
All are made of love and age,
efforts and appreciation towards past time and our parent's memory.
There's still more of different section along the alley leading to the mountain,
do come and experience yourself!
那时代的奋斗,安详历史日子 当然少不了的是我们父母亲们的成长日记和回忆。
Stop point to decide weather to proceed or return back. 所谓的半山。 |
Dinasour!! 对面还有恐龙呢!哈哈哈哈 |
Old times how our grandparents use to wash any clothes wear. 公婆年代的洗衣法。 |
Place where people use to "po-po" (make BIG business). Lol 古时代茅房 |
Dare to try? It's place where they use to "po-po" in past.
My dad get little excited and telling me for times ever since I'm young on how they "po-po" when their childhood time.
And it's real! For the first time I see in in real.
My dad get little excited and telling me for times ever since I'm young on how they "po-po" when their childhood time.
And it's real! For the first time I see in in real.
还记得从小时 每次回到以前马六甲由太婆那时住载的老屋
对我而言最难受的莫过于要用厕所的时候 纠结阿!
真心佩服爸爸当年的勇气 他们还能沾沾自喜呢!
还说“你永远不会想要往下望或者是去翻开板子.. 后果自己想象吧!“ 哈哈哈哈
The journey to the mountain 上山的路段 |
随意| Random |
Too bad my family doesn't want to further up to the mountain,
cause they're tired and we're running out of time for going back to Kuala Lumpur.
I hope there's chance that I could visit at the future,
perhaps something special or great view ahead?
Let's remain mystery until the next I visit.
好可惜,家人们都好累了也赶着回吉隆坡 所以便没有继续前往山上。
说不定会有更新奇的发现 又或者是更全面性的画面浮现。
Me with the words of Qing Xin Ling. 必要的拍照法 与清心嶺字幕合照 |
That kid's expression tho 重点是那小孩的表情 |
Another view that I love it so much,
where they remain the old style corner of "kopitiam" (coffee shop) in the past.
Let the photo speaks.
感恩有你们. Blessed family. |
There's also various sign of wording that allow people to take photos,
play around and have fun.
From where're you from, your identity, funny..
Anything that you can utilize your creativity.
都会有着不同的板子 写着很多趣味的字 或形容词等等的。
Seriously my mom are cute, anyone wanna sign her as artist? I'm her personal assistant wanna be. 说真的有人要签我妈做艺人吗 哈哈哈 我是助理 |
Mother & Daugher. 美丽妈妈 和 可爱女儿 :) |
My favourite photo out of all. Thanks for the random guy that help us to took beautiful photo. 最最最爱的一张照片!谢谢路人帮我们拍照! |
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Appreciate, Stay Blessed.
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