短短几个字 让人深思的可能是一辈子
小时候谈到的未来生活与梦想 不再是属于以后的事
那梦想要的 正是现在开始一步一脚印创建出来的
女孩当自强 再不努力完成梦想 一辈子也不会有人为你完成的
赚多 还是 梦想
透明化制度 永远比矛盾扭捏收在心里来得好
这是任何人也替代不了 也无法对我不利的最佳方法
因为他们拥有害怕他人会超越他们 而从中想着的就是损他人 吃力不讨好 害己
"One year later"
Simple words that make you think for quiet some times about life and future.
Those dream during young time, need to start doing it from now.
Dream doesn't come by themselves, but you yourself to work for it, make it real.
Consider my fresh new first entry into reality working world,
thanks to my overloaded creativity and ideas that trained up during my study and growing journey.
There's hunger and fire in me,
where I would not allow my dream remain just a dream;
I would not shut my dream down and build ones for others,
that's the worse thing ever if you plan to do so.
If you're not working hard enough for your dream,
no one gonna be responsible for your great lost,
no one gonna work for your dream unless you did.
To earn more or To achieve dream
There's always love and hate in between.
It's critical things that you should consider to move on to the next chapter of yours,
the only key decision and key factor,
is YOU.
One year later, I can foreseen myself bright and shine;
One year later, I can be sure that I'm always one step closer and further closer to my dream.
Let's us wait to see the result together : after one year.
Transparency or I should said honestly face and think about what you got in you,
definitely way better than you awkwardly keep it by yourself where it'll always be just you,
and pause at certain level forever.
At least the basic rule, is listen to your heart and spread the love given by surrounding.
You're blessed.
There's no one can ever take away my passion, my sincerity, my desire;
Be real to yourself, always better than you pulling other back to make them fall,
ends up you'll only wasting your time and efforts on useless stuff.
You still stuck in the same place forever, a failure. :)
Those dream during young time, need to start doing it from now.
Dream doesn't come by themselves, but you yourself to work for it, make it real.
Consider my fresh new first entry into reality working world,
thanks to my overloaded creativity and ideas that trained up during my study and growing journey.
There's hunger and fire in me,
where I would not allow my dream remain just a dream;
I would not shut my dream down and build ones for others,
that's the worse thing ever if you plan to do so.
If you're not working hard enough for your dream,
no one gonna be responsible for your great lost,
no one gonna work for your dream unless you did.
To earn more or To achieve dream
There's always love and hate in between.
It's critical things that you should consider to move on to the next chapter of yours,
the only key decision and key factor,
is YOU.
One year later, I can foreseen myself bright and shine;
One year later, I can be sure that I'm always one step closer and further closer to my dream.
Let's us wait to see the result together : after one year.
Transparency or I should said honestly face and think about what you got in you,
definitely way better than you awkwardly keep it by yourself where it'll always be just you,
and pause at certain level forever.
At least the basic rule, is listen to your heart and spread the love given by surrounding.
You're blessed.
There's no one can ever take away my passion, my sincerity, my desire;
Be real to yourself, always better than you pulling other back to make them fall,
ends up you'll only wasting your time and efforts on useless stuff.
Let's start my upcoming goals:
# DANCE CAREER -- Participate in all sort of events, spread the love through dancing, Zumba etc. Enhancement both physically and mentally, create better society and healthy world. I have huge desire.
2. 制作短片--与贵人们学习常识的短片技巧更深入更进步,由旅行短片到生活分享、再到跳舞等等网络短片的乐趣,希望能更顺畅的把这份乐趣和真诚也传达出去,望众人受益。
3. 旅游梦想--旅行这瘾是我在3年前染上的毒,在我修读旅游科系,影响我一生的教师,对于旅行的灵魂定义。从此部落格、短片、照片、思想等等的 离不开旅行 体验人生,品尝道地优美;在这一行实习以及进修让我看见黑白商业计划,但愿我有朝一日能够带着最爱的家人们,获得到处旅行的机会与赞助等等 带着家人旅行那种联系感 我足以相信一切都是特别的 与以往的商业化美德大有不同。
4. 部落格.体验--喜欢用文字、照片、短片等等多方面的释放自己、表达自己,是我从中学时期就爱上的喜好。把看到的体验到的都一一分享,尽可能地让大众也与我一起体验我所体验的一小部分,至少我能够带大家体验层次不同的看法、观点、生活,让大家更为珍惜以及把握当下每一刻的美好。
5. 回馈.感恩--儿时父母亲疼爱呵护、贵人们处处相助关怀,让我在这一路成长的过程中深受眷顾,特别窝心感恩。回报,是带着他们的好与教诲,让我去照亮下一个人的道路,把爱一代代传承下去,人与人之间的珍贵的就是在于这奇妙特殊联系之中。回馈,报答,用我最真诚的感受与真心来感恩一辈子。
# VIDEO MAKING -- Blessed by angles in educating me in videos & software editing and skills, from traveller kind of vacation videos into daily lifestyle, spreading love through dancing video, encouraging people in better health condition.
3. 旅游梦想--旅行这瘾是我在3年前染上的毒,在我修读旅游科系,影响我一生的教师,对于旅行的灵魂定义。从此部落格、短片、照片、思想等等的 离不开旅行 体验人生,品尝道地优美;在这一行实习以及进修让我看见黑白商业计划,但愿我有朝一日能够带着最爱的家人们,获得到处旅行的机会与赞助等等 带着家人旅行那种联系感 我足以相信一切都是特别的 与以往的商业化美德大有不同。
# DREAM OF TRAVELLING -- I've addicted into travelling 3 years back. I met angle during my study life for Tourism Management where change my entire life. Vacation thoughts, articles, videos, photos are easily found in me. Experience the pros and cons side of business skills in this industry, hope to get sponsorship for me and my family, to break out the commercial circle and emphasize in journey of ethnic.
4. 部落格.体验--喜欢用文字、照片、短片等等多方面的释放自己、表达自己,是我从中学时期就爱上的喜好。把看到的体验到的都一一分享,尽可能地让大众也与我一起体验我所体验的一小部分,至少我能够带大家体验层次不同的看法、观点、生活,让大家更为珍惜以及把握当下每一刻的美好。
# BLOG. EXPERIENCE -- Expressing through words, photos, videos since my secondary period. My intention always to show what I see and express what I feel, so that others can at least gain some from there or come out with their own perceptions too. To feel it is the best way that keep you appreciate and feel blessed about life.
5. 回馈.感恩--儿时父母亲疼爱呵护、贵人们处处相助关怀,让我在这一路成长的过程中深受眷顾,特别窝心感恩。回报,是带着他们的好与教诲,让我去照亮下一个人的道路,把爱一代代传承下去,人与人之间的珍贵的就是在于这奇妙特殊联系之中。回馈,报答,用我最真诚的感受与真心来感恩一辈子。
# BLESSED -- Angles never leave me alone along my journey, this is the time where I could do my best and spread the love to others, brighten up someone life. There's always these special connection between humans which are totally beautiful. I'm blessed and I wish everyone to be blessed too.
❥♒ maymaybeby.blogspot.my ♔ ░ ♥
Appreciate, Stay Blessed.
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